Cover Photo: Makoma Lekalakala recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa
Photo Credit: Peyton Fullford

As we face an intensifying climate catastrophe and with it increased human rights violations, now is the time for forward-thinking and decisive leadership, especially within the environmental justice and climate action movement. It is with this in mind that Earthlife Africa Johannesburg’s Director Makoma Lekalakala embarked on a unique leadership learning program, through Design Pathways.

On 28 October 2021, Lekalakala completed the 6-week live online social learning program, Transform – which aims to empower and inspire mid- to late-career executives, directors, and managers with skills and peer support.

Lekalakala, a dual Recipient of the 2018 Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa says, “It has been an incredible and transformational journey. I am a new me! This is thanks to Transform. The experience pushed me to look from within and it challenged the boundaries that I have created for myself. Each session helped me to be calmer and more reflective, gain greater self-awareness, and change the way I work. My colleagues were telling me to slow down but Transform has enabled me to actually do it.  The program helped me do things I couldn’t do before. The shift was quick and radical. It is one of the best things that has happened to me.”

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