NEWS | Civil Society Vindicated: Minister Concedes to Safcei and Earthlife Africa’s Court Challenge Against Nuclear Procurement

Makoma Lekalakala and Francesca de Gasparis at a recent panel event. 16 August 2024: Today, less than a month after the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI) and Earthlife Africa Johannesburg received news that their court case will be...

From Russia to Kenya and South Africa: Global Activists Unite for A Sustainable, Nuclear-Free Future

The Just Energy Transition Conference banner showing the logos of EcoDefense Russia, Earthlife Africa and SAFCEI that hosted us alongside other NGO's from the African continent and around the world. In solidarity with the anti-nuclear power movement in Kenya where a...

NEWS | Russian Eco-Defender Boosts South Africa’s Anti-Nuclear Campaign with Timely Visit

Award-winning Russian environmentalist Vladimir Slivyak of Ecodefense is visiting South Africa for the rest of July. Slivyak, a Right Livelihood Laureate (known as the Alternative Nobel) is being hosted by the Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute...


26 July 2024: While nuclear energy presents significant challenges and risks, renewable energy sources offer a more viable, safe, and economically beneficial path for South Africa’s energy future, aligning with the principles of a just transition. Costs and...

NEWS | SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa Comment on the NNR’s Recent Announcement

23 July 2024: Earthlife Africa JHB Director, Makoma Lekalakala says, “It is very surprising that the Nuclear Regulator has approved the Koeberg life term operation application. This comes before the International Atomic Agency has had a chance to confirm that they...

NEWS | Civil Society Launches Legal Challenge Against the South African Government Plans for New Nuclear Energy

SAFCEI and Earthlife Africa are on a mission, with the support of Russian environmentalist Vladimir Slivyak, to inform citizens about the dangers of nuclear and garner support for their application, filed at the High Court, to stop government’s recent nuclear energy...

BLOG | Earthlife Africa Visits Eastern Cape to Promote Community Inclusion in the #JustTransition

In a recent trip to the Eastern Cape, Earthlife Africa Johannesburg held several valuable engagements with local communities to discuss crucial environmental and energy justice issues. The visit was marked by a series of strategic meetings and dialogues to emphasize...

INTRODUCING | Earthlife Africa’s Short-Video Series: Our Planet, Our Responsibility Welcome to Earthlife Africa Johannesburg’s transformative short-video series: Our Planet, Our Responsibility: Environmental and Climate Justice in Action. This series dives deep into the crucial aspects of protecting our...

BLOG | Earthlife Africa’s Youth Dialogue to Empower Youth for a Sustainable Tomorrow

ELA's Jabulani Mtsweni addressing the youth at the start of the event in Evaton- West at Mokhelele community. In a collaboration with the Eugene Meck Foundation, Earthlife Africa Johannesburg presented a Youth Dialogue in Vaal at Evaton West Mkhelele. This initiative,...

OPINION | Nuclear Waste and Racial Injustice: South Africa’s Troubling Legacy

Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant on the outskirts of Cape Town. During a fact-finding mission to South Africa in August last year, Marcos Orellana, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights, called on the South African government to do more to...