3 December 2024: Today, Earthlife Africa Johannesburg joined grassroots communities in Gauteng to stage a peaceful demonstration during Nersa’s hearings, opposing Eskom’s proposed 36% electricity tariff increase. “This tariff hike is a direct attack on poor and working-class South Africans,” said Ketshepaone Modise from Earthlife Africa, “and we call on Nersa to reject this unaffordable proposal.”

The demonstrators called for a shift towards renewable energy solutions that prioritize marginalized communities, arguing that the hike contradicts South Africa’s commitments to a Just Energy Transition while failing to address years of alleged corruption and mismanagement at Eskom. They also highlighted the urgent need for transparency and accountability from Eskom, demanding clear and equitable plans for infrastructure investment that put the needs of vulnerable communities first.

“Nersa must reject the MYPD6 tariff hike as both unjust and regressive,” continued Modise. “Instead, the regulator should push Eskom to embrace a future built on energy justice and sustainability. This includes investing in community-owned renewable energy projects, re-allocating Free Basic Electricity resources to support solar installations for households, and ensuring universal access to clean, affordable energy. These measures would alleviate energy poverty and reduce dependence on unsafe, polluting alternatives.”

Community activists picketing outside the NERSA Public Hearing on Eskom’s MYPD6 application for a 36% tariff increase demanding Nersa to say no and put people before profit.

For millions of South Africans, electricity is becoming a luxury instead of a basic right. Eskom’s proposed 36% tariff hike could be the tipping point for households grappling with high unemployment, stagnant wages, and soaring living costs. With many depending on unsafe alternatives like paraffin and candles, the risks of fires and toxic exposure grow daily.

“The majority of South Africans are already struggling to make ends meet,” Modise added. “Families are forced to choose between basic needs like food and school fees or keeping the lights on. This is not justice.”

Every South African deserves access to affordable, clean energy. By rejecting this tariff hike, Nersa has an opportunity to champion energy justice and protect our nation’s future.

Mudwa Khumalo from Ubuntu Culture in Tembisa says, “NERSA should not grant Eskom the increase until they account for all the money that the Treasury has already allocated to them. There is a serious impact on people who are living in poverty, especially in informal settlements and townships, who are already suffering from energy poverty. These are the things we should be focusing on, now. Eskom should be doing mapping of those areas to find solutions rather than just demanding increases.”

Activists calling for a just transition to a low-carbon economy, instead of the status quo of the coal-based economy that just leads to more and more tarif increases.

Lindy Nzwana from Grassroots for Climate Action says, “We stand against the proposed electricity tariff hikes because we already cannot afford electricity, and these increases will make our lives more miserable. As it is, we already have to choose between food and other living essentials, and electricity. With so many of our people unemployed, dependent on social grants, how are we supposed to survive these increases?”

Ronney Kapaso from Grassroots for Climate Action says, “These hikes will be placing an unbearable burden on marginalised communities and will deepen the economic inequality that exists already. It is important that energy access remains available and affordable to everyone, particularly those who are already struggling.”

Clement Moephuli from Grassroots for Climate Action says, “A nearly-40% increase is unaffordable for the poor, working class and unemployed from the grassroot. NERSA cannot ignore the impact of the widely publicised alleged corruption at Eskom, which should not become a burden for the people. The people have already spoken, and NERSA must view these increase applications as unconstitutional and unlawful.”

For more about Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, follow the socials: FacebookTwitter and YouTube.

Grassroots for Climate Action is an initiative driven by Earthlife Africa Johannesburg, involving community-based environmental justice activists in raising awareness, fostering local engagement, and advocating for urgent measures to address climate change. This initiative empowers marginalized communities by amplifying their voices, equipping them with knowledge and tools, and supporting sustainable development practices that prioritize both ecological preservation and social equity. Its mission aligns with Earthlife Africa’s overarching goal to promote environmental awareness, challenge destructive industrial practices, and champion the rights of communities most affected by climate change and environmental degradation.